Thursday, September 28, 2006


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

LOTOS collective Dramaturg Bio

David Matthews is currently completing a PhD entitled ‘Performing
Polyphonic Poetry’, a research-with-practise thesis which explores the
precursors and perception of choral speech; and the linguistic
philosophy which underpins it. He teaches at the Central School of
Speech and Drama and at Royal Holloway, University of London.

David is also a theatre reviewer, recently writing on all performances
at the Accidental Festival at the ICA, June 2006 and on ‘Tumor Foderato
d’Infanzia’, Teatro Garibaldi, Palermo (available at

He is the dramaturg for the LOTOS collective and provided the poetic
texts for Gods, Heroes, Man, Chaos at the Charing Cross Window Gallery.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

22 September Artist Bio - Jenna Rossi-Camus

Jenna Rossi-Camus is a visual storyteller, exploring the possibilites of scenography as an expressive artistic medium. With backgrounds in fine arts, illustration, art history and fashion design she has worked individually and collaboratively to produce works of theatre, installation, site-specific performance and film. She has worked professionally as a theatre, graphic, product and fashion designer, illustrator and teacher. She has a special interest in creating art for and with youth and is dedicated to education and community works. In New York City, she was a founding member of The BLANK Collective, a performative and visual arts group that organised interactive exhibits and parties as well as public performances and happenings. Since moving to London last year to attend the Motley Theatre Design Course, Jenna has begun to develop an interest in performance as an extension of her artisitic practice. Currently working as a founding member of LOTOS Collective, an international group of young artists interrogating time-based media, Jenna is also embarking on an exploration of alter ego and cult of personality through an immersive artistic experiment called Violet Reign.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Monday, September 18, 2006

Press Release - For Immediate Release

LOTOS collective is proud to present:

Gods, Heroes, Man, Chaos
A month-long performance-installation in 4 parts

Opening September 22nd 2006 ~ October 19th 2006

The Window Gallery
107 Charing Cross Road
London WC2H 0DU

Installations on view 24 hours a day
Performances vary from 8:00 until 20:00

For more information contact: 077.2007.4816

This month-long programme of performance installation follows the structure of Giambattista Vico’s Scienze Nuova or New Science, a philosophical tract of 1730 that posited the notion of an “ideal history” consisting of three endlessly repeating cycles; each revolution of three followed by a cataclysmic Ricorso or return to chaos.

Each week of the exhibition takes one of these cycles, identified by Vico, for its inspiration – Gods, Heroes, Man and Chaos.

LOTOS collective is a London-based artists’ collective working towards the creation of hermetic worlds in their scenographic practice, the delivery of a ‘total experience’ by immersing the audience in the themes and aesthetics of the work. LOTOS develops projects of time-based performance media, including live-art, film, video, and spatial design. As with most LOTOS projects, outside artists are engaged to develop new work in collaboration with the core group.

In 2006, LOTOS produced the performance-installations Homebound in a residential site in East London, Prometheus Bound at the event ActArt4, and The Last Ortolan at Nolia’s Gallery; the short films Red Point and Missing workshoped and produced in Prague and London respectively. LOTOS members have represented the collective internationally in performance works Tumor Foderato d’Infanzia in Palermo, Drabina Jacuba in Krakow, El Tiempo Indómito in Santiago de Chile, and Rag and Bone in Salzburg

The grand finale will be the Procession of Specters and Spectators on Thursday October 19th beginning at 18:00 in front of the gallery.